What font does the got milk ad use
What font does the got milk ad use

The spots illustrate that no matter how tough daily life can get for the average kid, milk is the one thing they can continue to count on. In one, two kids observe their friend being fawned, hugged and pinched by overly-friendly relatives, much to the chagrin of the lovingly mauled child. Two Spanish language spots show similar tough days for kids. In a six-second spot, a kid with a glass of milk by a jukebox states, flat out, that he doesn’t trust any man who doesn’t drink milk. They all commiserate over glasses of cold milk, brought by a sympathetic and familiar server. The third nails his rough day by stating that he got cast as a fence in the school play, then states that his allowance negotiations are being low-balled. One girl states how tough her time at ‘Take Your Kid to Work Day’ was for her, while another laments the diorama she had to make for class. In one spot, kids are seen at a table, talking over the rough days they’ve had.

What font does the got milk ad use